3 easy ways to clean your plantation shutters

Clean your plantation shutters with 3 simple tricks

Window shutters often present a challenge when it comes to maintenance, particularly with regards to removing dust buildup from slats or plantation shutters. Making sure that the plantation shutters are clean is really necessary in order to obtain good air quality for the rooms. 

To facilitate this task, it's recommended to clean shutters at least once a month, potentially more frequently depending on factors such as room traffic or the presence of pets or children. Fortunately, employing a few straightforward techniques can streamline the cleaning process.

Cleaning with Kitchen Tongs and Sponges:

  1. Begin by acquiring kitchen tongs, two sponges, and rubber bands.
  2. Dry the sponge completely and give a wring slightly to 
  3. Wet the sponges and squeeze out any excess water.
  4. Affix the sponges to the tongs using rubber bands, positioning one at each end of the sponge.
  5. Methodically clamp each slat with the sponge-covered tongs, sliding from end to end to eliminate dust from both sides.
  6. Also occasionally rinse the sponges that are attached to the tongs to remove excess water and dust.

kitchen tong attached with the sponge

Utilizing the Sock Method:

  1. Obtain a clean sock and slightly moisten it with a solution of distilled white vinegar and water, or water alone.
  2. Put the wet sock on your hand.
  3. Carefully hold each slat with your sock-covered hand, sliding along to remove dust from both sides.
  4. Rinse the sock when needed while cleaning.

Hands inside the sock

Preparing a Homemade Cleaning Solution:

  1. Combine distilled white vinegar, distilled water, and a preferred essential oil in a spray bottle.
  2. Thoroughly shake the solution prior to use.
  3. Apply the solution onto the sponges attached to the tongs or directly onto the sock to facilitate the cleaning of plantation shutters.

By using these methods into your cleaning routine and adhering to a consistent schedule, maintaining impeccably clean window shutters becomes a manageable task, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and optimal indoor air quality. If you are looking to buy plantation shutters reach our professional service. We are offering free measure and quote.
