Quick guide to clean greasy venetian blinds

Process of cleaning those greasy Venetian blinds

Alright, imagine you're facing those kitchen blinds, covered in that sticky, greasy film that seems impossible to remove. Here's what you'll need: dishwasher tabs (yes, the ones you use for dishes), a vacuum cleaner with a hose and a brush attachment, a cloth, and a bucket filled with hot water.

First things first, grab that bucket and fill it up with hot water. We're talking about a gallon here. Then, drop in one of those dishwasher tabs and give it a good mix until it's fully dissolved. This solution is like a secret weapon against grease—it's going to help break it down and make your blinds easier to clean.

Before you get into the wet cleaning, let's prep the blinds. Take your vacuum cleaner and use the hose with the brush attachment to suck up any loose bits of dust and debris from the blinds. Make sure you vacuum every part, including the top where dust loves to hide. Oh, and if you can, remove the wand that tilts the blinds—it'll just make the cleaning process smoother.

Now, it's time to get down to business. Start at the top of the blinds and work your way down, one slat at a time. Use a cloth to pinch each slat and give it a thorough wipe on both sides. You might need to go over some spots a few times, especially if they're extra greasy. It can be a bit of a workout for your arms, but hang in there!

If you notice any streaks after cleaning, just wipe them down with warm water—it should do the trick. But typically, using the dishwasher tab solution should leave your blinds looking spotless and streak-free.

And that's pretty much all there is to it! Cleaning Venetian blinds may not be the most exciting task, but doing it a couple of times a year will keep your kitchen looking fresh and tidy. So roll up your sleeves, put on some music, and let's tackle those blinds!

Now you understood the process of cleaning your venetian blinds. You can also decorate your home window with other venetian blinds options available. You might need our professional help to install venetian blinds for your window. Just reach us and make your room more decorative.
